Financial advice is an intangible and the value of it is invariably unquantifiable. Consequently, MediClub charges a small annual subscription to pay for ongoing analysis and research undertaken on behalf of the membership as a whole and to free us up to be able to offer such impartial advice and guidance as may be required from time to time.
Andrew’s legacy and ethos prevails almost 50 years on through Jeremy’s mindful, consultative approach. On occasion that may be persuading clients not to take a certain course of action, for example, guiding them in buying a house or saving for retirement. We pride ourselves on our holistic approach to financial planning and strongly believe that time spent avoiding losses is as valuable as that spent making gains.
MediClub is not a sales orientated organisation, preferring to nurture clients and develop a professional working relationship for the long term. We have looked after many senior members of the profession since qualification and are extremely proud of the reputation that we have earned over many years.